Dear Madam, Dear Sir,

for register to the Patient Day event please fill out the form below with required information. You will receive a summary e-mail to the mail address you gave us, containing an acivaction link too. By clicking on it you will receive the confermation of registration. The day’s program will be published as soon as available.

For questions and informations, please do not hesitate to use the “Contact” section of our Site, we will answer as soon as possible.

Polycythemia Vera
Essential Thrombocytemia
Mastocytosis and Eosinophilia
Only for Sanitary Role


I have read, understood and accepted the contents of the Privacy Statement under Art. 13 Decree No. 196/2003 and Art. 13 GDPR 679/16 that can be found in the Privacy section

ATTENTION! Please check the e-mail of receipt of the registration confirmation that it is not in the SPAM box.
